That coffee grows in africa is my favorite. which clause is this?

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The reduced relative clause here is wrong in formal/written English.

  • That coffee, which grows in Africa, is my favourite. To be fair, you wouldn't really hear this in the UK. 'That coffee' points to one coffee but the speaker doesn't know which one it is. It's a very complex structure to express a vague opinion. OR it's a very, very casual statement amongst friends. You'd probably actually hear something like: There's this coffee from Africa, I can't remember its name, but it's my favourite. Or I really like African coffee. Or My favourite coffee is African. When giving an opinion about something you can't remember (the name of the coffee) you'd mention that you don't know the name. As for grammar: That coffee - noun phrase - it's a non specific subject which grows in Africa - is a relative clause - it defines 'that coffee' a little more is my favourite - a complex relative clause: 'is' is our verb, 'my' is possessive, 'favourite' is a relative clause.

  • It’s an independent clause. It can stand alone as complete sentence and expresses a complete thought.

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