te gusta or te gustan?

don't understand the difference "te gusta" and "te gustan". help me pls

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Hi Milania! We say "te gusta" when we refer to one thing (singular) or activity you like. Example: ¿Te gusta el chocolate? / ¿Te gusta viajar? / Te gusta el cine. / Te gusta leer. On the other hand, we say "te gustan" when we refer to things in plural. Example: ¿Te gustan los coches? / Te gustan las películas de acción. Hope my explanation was helpful! Fernando

  • Te gusta is referring to one single item for example "te gusta mis gafas" Do you like my glasses? AND "te gustan" refers to more than one item for example Kitchen ware which would be "te gustan los platos" los platos meaning more than one but then if it changes to one plate which you want to talk about it would then be "te gusta el plato" o "te gusta este plato" "do you like the plate? "Do you like that plate?" I hope this makes sense Milania :)

  • the main difference between gusta and gustan is: gusta is used with singular nouns and verbs eg: te gusta el futbol me gusta la pizza me gusta leer te gusta cocinar gustan is used just with plural nouns eg: te gustan los zapatos me gustan las sillas nos gustan los helados te gustan los deportes

  • Mariana
    MarianaCountry flag: ve
    Spanish Teacher

    When you are referring to a single item, thing or an action the correct way in Spanish is “te gusta”. Ex: You like this apple/ Te gusta esta manzana. You like that dress/Te gusta ese vestido. You like to read/Te gusta leer. When you are referring to multiple items or things (not actions) the correct way in Spanish is “te gustan” Ex: You like these apples/ Te gustan estas manzanas. You like those dresses/ Te gustan esos vestidos.

  • Te gusta se usa cuando hablas sobre algo en particular y es solo 1 unidad, te gustan estamos hablando de muchas cosas a la vez, por ejemplo, te gusta esta casa ( 1 sola) te gustan estas casas( más de 1)

  • Hola el te gusta lo usas para referirte en singular, ejemplo: te gusta el helado? y te gustaN lo usas para referirte a plural, ejemplo: te gustaN los sabores de helado de chocolate y vainilla?

  • To simplify it for you. te gusta would mean you like (singular) object or thing or activity. e.g te gusta comer is "you like to eat". But te gustan los carros mean " you like the cars" (plural)

  • Hi Milania! Gustar is a weird verb. When we say "me gusta..." we are saying we like something, but if we were to translate that literally we would really be saying "... is pleasing to me". So, if I say "me gusta el perro", I am saying "the dog pleases me". The thing that we are liking is actually what is performing the action, of pleasing us. So, gustar has to be conjugated for whatever it is that is pleasing us. For the dog, singular, we say gusta (the el/ella form). If i was talking about multiple dogs, we would use gustan (ellos/ellas form) because it is plural. Hope this is helpful!

  • Milania ... te gusta se refiere a una sola cosa o persona, te gustan a varias cosas o personas

  • Te Gusta is for singular and Te Gustan is for plural

  • Hi, great question, depends on what you like ie singular or plural, te gusta - I like it / it is pleasing o te gustan - I like them o they are pleasing to you x

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