So for most verbs: "Präteritum Indikativ" = "Präteritum Konjuktiv II".

If someone says: "Ich antwortete dich", it can mean "I asked you" or "I would ask you". So because of this I can say: "Ich würde dich antworten", to meke sur of it.

3 answers from our tutors

  • You are right. The "Konjunktiv 2" form of the verbs are same as "Präteriitum" and if there is any vocal in the middle of word, an "Umlaut" is also added to be identifiable from the ''Präteritum''. Like the modal verb "können". The Präteritum is ''konnten'' and the Konjunktiv 2 is ''könnten''. The object complement for ''antworten'' must be ''Dativ'' so ''Ich antwortete dir / Ich würde dir antworten'' is correct and it means TO ANSWER.

  • It means I answered you. Additional it is " dir" not "dich"

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