Preferred sources when learning English? Movies, books, podcasts..?

5 answers from our tutors

  • Love this question! When it comes to learning English, I've found that a mix of all three - movies, books, and podcasts - works wonders. Movies help with listening and understanding natural conversations, books are fantastic for building vocabulary and grammar, and podcasts are like having friendly English speakers in your ear wherever you go. It's a joyful journey of learning with so many diverse and enjoyable sources My fave English-learning podcast: The English We Speak (UK ENGLISH) - This podcast series from the BBC explores everyday English phrases and slang, such as "use your loaf" and "take the mickey". My fave movie (relevant to learning English): The Social Network - I recommend it for intermediate learners; this film provides a glimpse into the world of entrepreneurship and technology, exposing viewers to more complex vocabulary and dialogue. Hope this helps!

  • The best way to improve your English is to develop all your language skills at the same time. It helps you to start speaking from zero and get a good practice and get confidence at speaking. If you want to try this technique then you can talk with for 30 minutes.

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  • None of them! The best source for learning English is a real, live person right in front of you, whether on Google Meet, Skype, or physically present. Why? It's very simple. All the things mentioned in the question are passive and are known as receptive skills. To learn English, you must have productive skills. In other words, you have to produce words. You have to speak, then write. It must be in that order. Just listening to podcasts, the news, or reading books will not make you speak, but a teacher worth their salt will be able to help you overcome your nerves and get you speaking. Once you start speaking, you will remember so much more vocabulary, idioms and turns of phrase, than if you sat passively listening or reading. It is all about being ACTIVE not passive. Like what you have just read? Why not book a lesson.

  • Gugu
    GuguCountry flag: za
    Certified Esl teacher

    Movies especially with subtitles so that you can also read the English as they speak in the movie.

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