Need help in understanding the sentence: "아버지 등에 업고 놀러 왔습니다!"

I am reading a manhwa, and I came across this sentence: "아버지 등에 업고 놀러 왔습니다!" I tried to translate it myself, yet to no avail. The context is like this: Character A comes to her friend's house and there meets with his mother. After some talk Character A learns that her and her friend's families are business partners. She thinks that her friend's mother sees her differently because of this. Character A imagines that this sentence (↑↑↑) is how she sounds in her friend's mother's head. After some time of searching I got this translation: "I came to play, piggybacked by my dad!". I am not really convinced that this is the correct translation. Could someone help me understand, what does this sentence mean?

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2 answers from our tutors

  • Maybe you found the answer already, but I will still answer it for you; 업다 is `to get on s.o.`s back/ to be carried on the back.` 아버지 등에 업다: to get on my father`s back

  • I would say this is not a very easy to understand situation but the description 'her friend's mother sees her differently because of this' is the key to this sentence. Because Character A's father is an important person for her family, the friend's mother thought she should treat Character A well. So the sentence can be undertood like "I came here as proxy for my father (I'm carrying my father on my back)". I hope this helps you.

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