Is there anyone who can tell me in which context I can use the Italian word "prego"?

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3 answers from our tutors

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the word "prego" is used in different contexts. I'll try to summarize. 1) as a response to "thanks", you say "prego" (you are welcome) 2) as a response to someone asking permission to enter a room. for example: may I come in? the affirmative answer is "prego" 3) inviting someone to do something. for example: could you repeat please? Puoi ripetere, prego?

  • "Prego" can be used in these contexts, but also when you want to say "go ahead" in a formal way. For example, in this case: A customer arrives at the counter of a coffee shop, and the barista says "prego", then the customer tells him what he wants.

  • Prego is used depending on the occasion and can have different meanings: X: Grazie per avermi prestato la tua penna Y: Prego (you're welcome) X: Posso passare per primo? Y: Prego (yes) X: Io Prego spesso (to pray)

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