Is guten tag similar to guten morgen?
What does guten tag mean? Is it the same as guten morgen? How to use it?
10 answers from our tutors
- SzilviaGerman isn't as hard as you think!
Guten Tag literally means " (wishing you) good day" (that's why its in accusative case) however that's not really used in English, we just say hi, or hello, or how are you can use guten Tag, during the day, any time really until dusk I'd say. Guten Morgen means " (wishing you) good morning" and you use it in the morning hours...if you get up at noon you can still use it, since it's morning to you haha, no need to keep time......"oh it's 11:30 am I cant use good morning anymore" LOL it's not like that
Es bedeutet guten Tag und Sie können es zu jeder Tageszeit sagen
مرحبًا ، "Guten Tag" هو شكل رسمي من "hello". من الناحية النظرية ، يمكنك قول ذلك على مدار اليوم
Guten tag is generally used around midday and early afternoon. Guten Morgen is used in the morning. As a bonus, Guten Abend is used in the evening hours and Gute Nacht is used when you are saying goodbye or when you are going to bed in the evening.
Guten Tag von 6 bis 11 Uhr am Morgen und Guten Tag von 11 bis 17 Uhr. 🙂
- brathwaitea1German and Psychology Tutor
Hallo, Gluten Tag translates to Good Day and Guten Morgen translates to Good Morning. So you would use Guten Morgen in the morning and Guten Tag in the afternoon. Hope this helps!
Guten Morgen means good morning, where as Guten Tag is good day. So people use Guten Morgen in the morning until around 10am, after that they would use Guten Tag, in the evening Guten Abend and before going to bed Gute Nacht. Generally speaking you could also use Guten Tag instead of Guten Morgen, but it’s more formal, so not something you would greet someone you live with in the morning after just waking up. Hope that helps :)
Hi ! Both are greetings, but guten Morgen is good morning and guten Tag is used durning the day to say 'to have a good day'. :D
Hi, 'Guten Tag' is a formal form of 'hello'. In theory, you can say it throughout the day. When you walk into the office or a bakery. You won't go wrong if you use it as a greeting between 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. during the day.
It means good day and you can say it in any time of the day