In your opinión what is the most dificult part of de spanish language

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The conjugations but with practice through conversations you can memorize them . Don´t worry :)

  • The most difficult part is the fact that there are many different dialects. but if you grow fluent enough in one spanish, the rest become easier to understand

  • Verbs conjugation because is more different than the English one but difficult isn't impossible with practice and speaking we can make it happen!

  • Pienso que es la gran cantidad de formas verbales que existen y sus conjugaciones.

  • Sin lugar a dudas las conjugaciones verbales, las irregularidades que tienen lugar en muchos verbos y la concordancia con los diferentes tiempos, es un tema muy extenso y confuso para los estudiantes, por eso hay que ir siempre muy despacio y dosificar mucho. Lo mejor del español y que muchos apéndices adoran es la pronunciación, ya que se pronuncia tal cual se lee.

  • Without a doubt, it's mastering the subjunctive mood of verbs. For example, Spanish uses the subjunctive to state doubt. Add a future form of a verb, and it changes to the subjunctive: Example: Dudo que ella venga translates as I doubt that she will come (is coming). Contrast the foregoing with an expression of belief: Creo que ella vendrá. (I believe that she will come.) Both examples express the intent of the subjunctive to express someting that might happen, but the student simply has to accept that the verbs dudar and creer take different forms the verb.

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