I’m teaching Writing skills. What tips do you have for English learners?
8 answers from our tutors
Best answer
Practice writing daily. Making mistakes is part of learning, so students shouldn't worry about them and just focus on getting words out. This helps with fluency and just being able to write in general. As students improve their skills, they can start focusing more on accuracy of their grammar/spelling/word choice. The key is to practice a lot. It's important to practice writing in different topics as well. Reading also improves writing as it exposes people to different writing styles, helps them learn about different usages/context of words, and expands their vocabulary.
Make a habit of practicing daily. Ask a professional tutor to read and correct the grammatical errors and construction of the sentences. With time you will get better.
Please look in my account for the articles I have written about Writing - I hope you can find something useful there.
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Start testAs an experienced tutor I would like to tell all students: practice more, do it wrong but do it! , ask questions about your problems from your trusted tutor and again practice more and more!
Make writing a daily exercise ,and read the work of other writers to understand how they apply writing techniques.
Hi dear Reading and writing is the best way to improve writing. They can write on whatever they want to, but they have to. Maybe it could be stimulating, show them a pic or end-less story to continue it up. Best Regards
Learn the basic constructions as: - ing; - how to change words with ed ending and so on, so they will have some to work with. All others is more stuff that needs time to practice :)
Don't rush when writing, mistakes are made very easily.