If a student is struggling with a concept, what steps do you take to determine the cause?

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3 answers from our tutors

  • Make it easier! I use the following approach : if you could explain it to a 5 yo kid, you can explain it to everyone. Just explain it in the easiest way possible

  • Mia
    MiaCountry flag: ca
    Certified TEFL Teacher

    1.Know Individual Students. Effective teachers 2.know their students. ... 3.Communication. ... 4.Motivation. ... 5.Differentiated Instruction. ... 6.Mnemonics. ... 7.Multisensory Instruction. ... 8.Give Students Time. ... 9.Allow Students to Explain.🌍👌

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  • 1. Know individual students 2. Communication 3. Motivation 4. Give students time 5. Allow students to explain

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