I need help with an explanation for why a certain conjugation of a word is used for a student

In the sentence I am a person that does not like routine but rather tries to maintain an overall healthy lifestyle why do we use the form tries which normally agrees with he/she/it but this is a first person sentence and how could i explain this to a student, thankyou

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  • Mostly when a verb can be changed into past, continues and other forms is called conjugation. So student is a subject that we can use it with past, continues and future.

  • In the part 'I am a person...' we are talking about our state of being, so 'I am' is used, clearly. While in the part '...that does not like routine but rather tries to...' we are talking about a kind of person who has a particular lifestyle (not only about ourselves but also about other people of that lifestyle), so in this part we are talking about this type of people (including ourselves) as viewed from outside.

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  • Mia
    MiaCountry flag: ca
    Certified TEFL Teacher

    ●Conjugate is what you do to a word to make it agree with other words in a sentence. If you've studied a foreign language, you know that sometimes you can conjugate a verb just by changing its endings. To conjugate the verb to be, you'd say “I am,” “you are,” “she is,” and so on. ●Conjugation is a change made to a verb. So, when looking at conjugations it can be useful to first define a verb. A good way to explain this part of speech to young learners is by describing a verb as a "doing" or "action" word.

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