I don't understand what is "you are so mean"

How to understand "you are so mean" and "that's do mean"? Explain it to me please

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19 answers from our tutors

  • It simply means that you have been cruel / you have made the other person sad or hurt. This is a negative statement about a person's behaviour.

  • I think you are confusing 'mean' (adjective) with meaning (verb). Mean (adjective) - unkind, spiteful, unfair Examples- She was a mean person The dogs are considered mean You are so mean That's so mean Mean (verb) - signify, convey, denote, suggest, represent Examples- It's name means 'baby's laughter' They mean no harm She meant whay she said

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  • I guess the word "mean" can be confused with meaning, Example: What does that mean? Or with "mean" as a denotation or intention, Example: "He means no harm" In the specific case of mean as an adjective it is used to name something bad unkind or malicious, Example: "You are so mean."

  • A disrespectful person, bad behaved.

  • "You are so mean" means to be sneaky, not good to this person. "mean" is the oposite to the word "kind,fair"

  • I agree with the explanations and examples other brilliant teachers have given here. Criticizing attitude has everything to do with a person being rude and/or having impolite behavior while exaggerating one is mostly about fair accusations a person says. Examples: 1. A guy is walking along the street and doesn't pay respect to people walking toward him by not giving them enough space to pass by. He hits a person shoulder-to-shoulder and may hear in response - You are so mean! 2. Two friends are watching a TV news program about a man driving drunk and provoking a colossal accident. One of the guys gives the opinion such people should be sentenced to life. And the other may say - You are so mean! Hope I was clear.

  • Why are you so mean towards me? Can't you be kind for a change?

  • to be nasty, horrible, unkind, evil , to have a mean streak in one's character.....a nasty piece of work

  • being unkind to another person

  • When someone is behaving rude or are rude towards you, you can use it

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