How would you approach working with ESL students with learning disabilities?

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5 answers from our tutors

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With a lot of patience and love.

  • Every learner is different, and each will need a slightly different approach to ensure they get the best from their lesson. I take the same approach with ALL my learners, including those with Learning Disabilities. It is important to find out what makes the learner comfortable and what they know already before we move forward and develop a learning plan.

  • The most important thing is to understand them and make them feel comfortable. Then learning will become easier.

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  • I would have to assess their level of understanding via a mutual activity and from there i would be able to know the approach to use. But first I need to assess their level of understanding and their comfortability.

  • Fist i would need to assess their level of understanding via and from there i would know as to what approach to use.

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