How to learn New vocabularies

Hello dear Tutor can you suggest a way to learn new vocabularies ? Thanks

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Find a topic that you are already interested in, and start reading about it, watching it on TV, listening to podcasts about it. And then move on to the next topic that you are interested in. Every time you learn a new word, make 5 sentences with it, and make it personal. Include your life in the example sentences. This will make a connection with you and therefore more difficult to forget. For example: NEW WORD: JOB. Bad example sentence: Everyone needs a job. Good example sentence: I got my first job when I was 18 years old.

  • to be honest I like doing it the old fashioned way, keep a dictionary on me at all times, a hard copy (tho digital works too) and whenever I see a new word I highlight it in it. it helps me get familiar with new words, their meanings and how to use them more frequently in my sentences.

  • Read a variety of materials, newspapers, books, watch videos and listen audios. The more you read, watch and listen is the more you will see and hear new words and understand the context they are used in. Also, you will see and hear many of the same words over and over, this will help you to remember them. Write down new words and try to use them when you speak.

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  • Here are some effective strategies to help you expand your vocabulary: 1. Read Widely: Engage in reading materials such as books, newspapers, magazines, and online articles. Expose yourself to different genres and subjects, as each has its own unique vocabulary. When you come across unfamiliar words, make a note of them, look up their meanings, and try to use them in your daily conversations or writing. 2. Contextual Learning: Instead of simply memorizing individual words, focus on understanding how they are used in context. Pay attention to the surrounding words, phrases, and sentences to grasp the meaning. This approach helps you remember words more effectively and use them appropriately. 3. Keep a Vocabulary Journal: Maintain a notebook or digital document to record new words you encounter. Include their definitions, example sentences, and any other relevant information. Regularly review your journal to reinforc your learning.

  • Watching lots of authentic materials, listening and reading, write down the words and learn them When you meet these words one more time in any cases, you will remember the word forever

  • By reading books or magazines rhat interest you. Write down at least 3 words you have learned and use them in sentences would be a big help to remember and expand your vocabulary.

  • Create PERSONAL wordlists. With my students we usually have informal talks about casual things that are interesting for them. During these conversations, I put down the words that made them feel struggled and then use Quizlet to create personalised lists for each of my Students. Afterwards we practice the words again and again in new small talks. My experience shows that people tend to use their “favourite vocabulary” and when we create personal lists, learners remember them better as they see that they’ve become authors themselves.

  • I suggest you read books that are interesting for you or try to watch/listen to any English videos that will challenge you to learn and to hone your knowledge of vocabs. I'm rooting for u!

  • Reading books about topics that fascinate you, watch documentaries and movies with a British actor at least 3 new words you will discover.

  • I suggest to read books, listen to podcasts and watch movies/educational program.

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