How effective do you think discussing hot topics is in helping shy students to open up and speak?

For example, when doing Human Resource Management English, my students and I often discuss such topics as discrimination in the recruitment/selection processes. For instance, the age, ethnicity, gender, etc., of the applicant playing inappropriate roles in the decision of whether to call for an interview or hire that person. My experience has been that even the least active students are eager to express an opinion.

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This will allow them to speak freely about topics they understand.

  • Gugu
    GuguCountry flag: za
    Certified Esl teacher

    It gives them courage to speak up and also get out of their shells.

  • Support and Encourage shy students. Remember they are not doing it on purpose. Let them move at their own pace. Start with Non-Verbal Communication. Create a Safe Space for them.

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  • Donnie Starkey
    Donnie StarkeyCountry flag: us
    ESL teacher

    It depends on the goals, temperament, age, and language level of the student. If the student wants to debate, it’s unavoidable. Maybe they will need writing skills and need to know how to write an argumentative, or persuasive letter, or essay. No matter the topic, as a coach my goal is that they justify their position. I will disagree with my student, or at least ask why this or what about that even if my personal belief aligns with their argument.

  • Mia
    MiaCountry flag: ca
    Certified TEFL Teacher

    Set realistic expectations, be supportive, and encouraging. Build a trusting relationship with the student by talking privately every day. If a shy student establishes a relationship with you, they may be more likely to participate. Get down on the child's level and make eye contact.

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