How do you use the word ‘ya’?

7 answers from our tutors

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It really all depends on how do you want to use the word "Ya", for example: 1.- "Ya" as an adverb of time: It is used to indicate that an action has already happened or will happen soon. For example: a) "Ya comí" (I already ate) b) "Llegaré ya" (I will arrive soon) 2.- "Ya" as an adverb of confirmation or emphasis: It is used to affirm or emphasize something that has been mentioned before. For example: a) "Sí, ya entiendo" (Yes, I understand now) b) "Ya lo sé" (I already know) 3.-"Ya" as a conjunction: It is used to express contrast or concession. It can be translated as "but" or "although" in English. For example: a)"Quiero ir al cine, pero ya es muy tarde" (I want to go to the movies, but it's already late) b)"Ya llueve, aunque llevamos paraguas" (It's raining already, although we have umbrellas) 4.- "Ya" as an interjection: It is used to express impatience or annoyance. For example: a)"¡Ya basta!" (Enough already!) b)"¡Ya déjame en paz!" (Leave me alone already!)

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