How do you inspire students to love learning and be curious about new lessons?

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I incorporate fun and creative activities into my courses to help students become involved and enjoy learning. Linking English lessons to real-world scenarios is essential for demonstrating the usefulness of language acquisition. In addition, I try my best to ask challenging questions and motivate them to research topics on their own. It's crucial to recognize students' accomplishments and development to increase their confidence and drive.

  • I remind them to take every chance in learning because time waits nobody.

  • Inspiring students to love learning and be curious involves fostering an environment that encourage exploration, creativity and genuine interest to the subject matter.

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  • Do your research on the subject to be taught and then create fun-filled activities, that encompass the learning material.

  • Be motivated about whatever language that inspire you! Find a well fitted schedule that would work for your type of learning! Don’t immerse yourself so much with the language, but take it a little ata time.

    ABDELRAOUFCountry flag: dz

    By showing them examples of who already succeeded before them .. and feel happy in every moment with them

  • You must make lessons fun. How do you do that? quite simple you let the student participate. Friendliness on your part, and active participation on the part of the student will result in a relaxed atmosphere, and learning stops becoming a chore and starts becoming easy and might I say, addictive.. With conversation based learning the teacher can introduce difficult parts of English, such as phrasal verbs, almost by stealth, with the student using such things without noticing. To try and compartmentalize each area of the English language, only makes for a very dry, humourless and mind numbingly dull lesson, which both the student and tutor cannot wait to escape from!

  • Gugu
    GuguCountry flag: za
    Certified Esl teacher

    You inspire them by conducting fun and vibrant lessons that they look forward to attending.

  • I believe it’s always best to teach them about their interests, if they are learning about what they like - learning English simultaneously they will love learning and be more curious.

  • I always remind my students of the advantages of being able to communicate with anyone and anywhere in the world. I remind them that not only does learning a new language give you an opportunity to feed your brain but it also gives you the opportunity to be able to express yourself in many ways.

  • You make examples that they can relate to. You praise them for productivity. You encourage them to try their best even if they make mistakes.

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