How do you encourage students to take ownership of their learning process?

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  • Students can only be encouraged by telling them how incredibly unique they are and every thought they possess is very personal and true to their being. When you inculcate such values of individuality and self mirroring they will value and own their journey of learning anything and everything in life.

  • Foster a sense of autonomy by allowing students to get goals, make choices, and explore topics aligned with their interests. Provide opportunities for self-assesment and reflection to empower them in the learning journey. Encourage questions, critical thinking and collaboratio to enhance their engagement and responsiblity in the learning process.

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  • My teaching style is positive, inclusive and engaging therefore i encourage learners to always have a positive mindset toward the target language, to always set clear learning goals at the begining of each lesson which i believe helps a student to take accountability and focus not forgeting that celebrating students' accomplishments does motivate students to continue taking ownership of their learning process

  • I like to have students revisit their learning (goal) vision board. In the first class, have them write down their learning goal and make an action plan with them. In the mid of the term or halfway to the course, I'd have them revisit their learning goals to see if they are on the right track, if not, remake an action plan with them. It is vital to teach students high-frequency words and expressions of their interests, fields and exam preparation. For students who are struggling with 4 skills, I'd have them imagine how they would use those different skills in different contexts, from what, why, who, and when to how and how often. For example, job interviews, what are the common interview questions, and common vocabulary and the register they would use. Reading a post for a purpose, what is this post about? What are the answers are they looking for? etc. Remind them to stay on track with their learning goals. It motivates students to do self-directed learning.

  • I like to give students tasks or homework. This encourages them to go out there and seek information on their own.

  • Creating a space where they are able to talk about various things such as cultures, current event, hobbies & interests. I would encourage the student to practice what they have learned during that section & when we meet again, I will ask them questions to see if they had been practicing.

  • Mia
    MiaCountry flag: ca
    Certified TEFL Teacher

    •Letting them choose what topics they want to cover will help them become engaged learners and give them a sense of ownership over their own learning process. 1.Encourage student input in lesson planning. ... 2.Create opportunities for student choice. ... 3.Allow for student-led discussions and presentations. ... 4.Encourage student reflection.

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