How do you encourage student to use English outside the classroom?

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Familiarize students with English words used in a daily lifestyle. Create discursive topics for students to have fun with, where they get a chance to use as much English conversation as they can. This boosts their confidence in using the language and enables them to seize the next opportunity they get to test themselves out of the classroom.

  • I would encourage them to make friends online. Social media is a great start. Partake in online steaming services and create a YouTube video.

  • interact with individuals you find attractive. it grows your confidence both in english and in the world in general!

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  • I have suggested to students that they write a diary entry for the day in English, describing what they did, who they saw etc, then asking ChatGPT to check the spelling and grammar (I give the students prompts to use so they get an appropriate AI response). This means they can practice writing in their own style, as opposed to answering textbook questions that might be completely irrelevant to them.

  • Read about your favourite topics,be it sports,drama whatever you find interesting to help you practice speaking English more outside of the classroom.

  • Encourage students to utilize language learning apps, websites and online resources that offer interactive activities and language practice. This allow them to engage with English outside of class at their own pace.

  • I think this is very challenging but we can engage them with more activities ,debates,online games and so in to enhance their abilities .There are a lot of online games that are based on language and how to use it. Nice films and songs are another way to improve their English

  • I encourage students to use English outside the classroom by doing something they love. If they love watching films, I suggest to watch English speaking films without translation in their native language, or if the students are lower level, to turn on close caption, or subtitles, so that they can read and listen to the dialogues at the same time. If they love music, I suggest to look for the lyrics online and listen to the songs and sing along. If they like science, history, world news, politics, fashion, sports or any other subject matter, I suggest to look for documentaries on that topic and watch them. (You can find excellent educational documentaries on a wide variety of topics on Discovery Channel, National Geographic, National Geographic Wild, VIASAT history, VIASAT Nature, VIASAT Explorer, BBC Earth, Travel Channel, and etc. In addition, on YOUTUBE, you can find a lot of videos in English on various subjects.)

  • Listening to radio and podcasts can play crucial role especially when students are not in english speaking environment.

  • It highly depends on the level of the student, but one thing is almost certain; the student should be directed toward authentic material in the field they love. If a student loves history, I wouldn't ask him to listen to psychology podcasts!

  • Participate in community activities or events where English is used, such as volunteer work, book clubs, or workshops. This provides a practical and meaningful context for language practice. :)

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