how can I improve my English skills

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Essentially by speaking english. You may feel shy to communicate with people in person because of low command over the language. You may start talking to trees, objects around you or talk to yourself in the mirror. You will gradually notice the change and fluency and as much efficient you be in it, you yourself will love talking to yourself more in english which will increase your command over the language. The more you love seeing yourself talking english to your own self will surely make you confident enough to talk to people publicly then which will consequently increase your public speaking.

  • -Watch films/series using subtitles -Practice speaking English with friends/family -English classes online and in person -Watching videos and reading books -Audio books & podcasts

  • Watch movies in English Have conversations in English Practice practice practice Immerse yourself in English language news.

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  • I'm going to be real and honest with you. TIME and effort. It all depends on what "skill" you want to learn in English. If you want to focus on all of the skills I'd recommend that you watch a movie to help you with understanding the language, after than write a summary about the movie with the correct grammar (use google for help), read the summary out loud (alone/ with tutor) to practice pronunciation. If you hear any English word that you don't understand, ask (remember that it's not wrong to ask, everyone is still learning everyday, whether it's in school or in a restaurant) or use a translator. These are some of a lot, of good ways to improve in all English's skills.

  • Conversing with native speakers, putting English subtitles on English movies you watch, reading English books, and writing in English all are great ways to improve your skills!

  • Read novels or books that catch your interest. when reading, have a pen and book beside you to write down the words whose meanings you don't know. use Google or your English dictionary to find the meanings of the words and write them down every time you encounter them

  • Read novels or books that catch your interest. when reading, have a pen and book beside you to write down the words whose meanings you don't know. use Google or your English dictionary to find the meanings of the words and write them down every time you encounter them. your can also listen to English news and read English articles. The most effective method is by talking with people who speak English. Most importantly, dont be afraid to make mistakes when talking.

  • I can't emphasize enough the importance of watching movies with English subtitle. watching or listening to English news can be as helpful. but overall, the key is "consistency". practice English every day. even if it's learning just one vocab, or having a 2-minute conversation with someone or yourself. Choosing a good teacher that matches your energy, can also help you stay motivated.

  • Mohammed Hamed
    Mohammed HamedCountry flag: ly

    By listening The more you listen the more you can start picking up the language and the accent

  • If you are just starting, it is best to take lessons from a good teacher and follow their advice precisely. Learing by yourself you may quickly lose all motivation and get frustrated with the learning process. You need a person to guide you through.

  • You can improve your English by avoiding choppiness in your speech. English links words together. Use longer stressed syllables. English is rarely staccato like some languages, so elongate your vowels. Use more speech variations. English tends to be rhythmic and melodic. If you only use one pitch, it's hard to understand you. Articulation is really important. Moving your mouth in English is different from the way you pronounce your native language. Use more mouth movements than you are used to. Finally, lower your overall pitch. We tend to speak from our chests rather than our heads. Try a lesson with me and practice these tips.

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