Hello my dear community! Please tell me how can we train a student in "public speaking".

Specially when he/she is a shy person.

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Public Speaking has a lot to do with practice. And a student who is be trained on public speaking has to practice regularly

  • Let your students feel comfortable in conversing with you. Help develop their confidence and self esteem.

  • I can suggest visiting Toastmasters meetings. To a shy student good idea would be to start with 1-2 min prepared speaches

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  • Encourage to write his/her thought first. Don't memorize but practice pacing to allow him/her to think in between during the speech. Confidence and practice is the key.

  • Practice, practice, practice. Public speaking can be a very scary thing for most people at first. It really is the case to put yourself in that position as often as possible so that you become used to the environment. Once you have done it several times, you can then work on your speaking delivery, speed, tonality, intonation. It takes a little time to become a confident public speaker, so be gentle with yourself.

  • First, the student should really know and understand the material that he or she will present. Plus, if the student can see how this information will benefit the audience, then this will help he or she to speak with conviction. Breathing exercises are very helpful too. And practice in front of a small audience at home, or with a friend.

  • Well I start off by helping them build self-confidence, it helps letting them know it's okay to make mistakes, that's why we practice. Then I help with correcting errors and properly preparing for the speech and anything they maybe having trouble with.

  • Start off by letting the student know there is no crime in being shy. Create a safe space so the student can confined in you the teacher. Encourage the student to start talking to little crowd before they are able to grow their audience.

  • 💫Advice him/her to assume that there is no one in the room and you are standing alone there and are talking to yourself. 💫Ask him/her to practice in front of the mirror. It will give him/her more confident. I also did it. It is extremely practical. 💫 Ask him not to pay extreme attention on his appearance but the student should pay heed to his/her way of delivering the speech. Thank you. ❤

  • Public speaking is a great skill but not a lot have it. The best way to encourage them is to first remove the stage fear , take them to an room where a mirror is placed to make them practice by reading or speaking in front of it, make them sit in the audience while the other perform to give them the idea of what they have to do There are some of the ways that i belive that will work

  • Let them speak on the truth topics and encourage them to just speak it will help to become better public speaker

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