Hello. I'm new here. I wanted to know how to go about teaching my very first lesson.

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5 answers from our tutors

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Discover student's interests; since many lessons are conversational, knowing this is a good first step.

  • Its even teaching lesson as such because its the first time we meet.W just break the ice. Hear the interests of learners and knowing each other.

  • I don't even teach during my first lesson. My first lesson is a sort of ice-breaker where I try to establish the student's proficiency level, find out what their reasons are for taking lessons in the first place and last, but most certainly not the least, try my best to create a relaxed human connection between us.

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  • Mia
    MiaCountry flag: ca
    Certified TEFL Teacher

    Of course, the most important thing to start your teaching is to determine your level

  • Mia
    MiaCountry flag: ca
    Certified TEFL Teacher

    I start by teaching the basics, like numbers and alphabets. I reinforce these skills by using singing, parts of speech and basic grammar skills. By speaking to you in simple language, such as "repeat after me" or "finish this sentence", I create a constructive learning environment. I am very skilled in the basics of learning English and you will learn English quickly without wasting time.🌍👌 If you want, take a class with me and continue training with me if you are satisfied.

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