hello, i can teach students in english nd urdu ...from where ill start

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5 answers from our tutors

Best answer

Hi Umma once your profile is up you can start right away. The best ways to promote yourself to gain students is to keep active on the format and keep your schedule flexible and open as far as timeframe. You can as well use social media to promote and advertise as well, if you need help with that I be more than happy to help! hope this has been informative and best of luck and wishes to you:)

  • Make your profile ready and keep schedule flexible.you can also use social media to promote yourself.

  • Get your profile ready and promote yourself in order to gain more Students and also make your schedules flexible

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  • Well, I will agree with everyone else that it takes time to students notice you, but here is few tips which will help you to make faster: 1. Attractive profile picture. 2. Nice description of what you can give your students. 3. Also, keep active your blog on LiveXP. Hope you will find it helpful !)

  • Hi, could you please explain more , I do not understand. Thanks

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