Hello good morning everyone. Who can explain finite and non-finite verbs with examples?

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  • Mia
    MiaCountry flag: ca
    Certified TEFL Teacher

    Hello, •Finite verbs are the ones that are conjugated with the subject in a sentence. They indicate the person, number, and tense of the subject. Nonfinite verbs are not conjugated with the subject in a sentence. They are not in a specific tense and do not indicate the person, number, or tense of the subject. •A finite verb is always one word. Usually, it will be a standard verb in the past tense (e.g., played, ate), a verb in the present tense (e.g., plays, eats), or an auxiliary verb in the present or past tense (namely, am, is, are, was, were, has, have, had, does, do, or did).

  • Finite verbs are those verbs that agree with the subject and express the mood, tense, number and person. On the other hand, non-finite verbs do not agree with the subject and can be used in the present participle, past participle or infinitive forms to perform different functions in a sentence.

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