Do you think that learning basic knowledge of job interviews is important ?

What is the most thing that you will generally feel in a job interview ?

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6 answers from our tutors

  • It is definitely important in a sense that depending on your life situation, it’s always a plus to know how to represent yourself in a great manner.

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  • Have you ever been in a social setting, and one person spends an hour telling you about themselves? It's boring. In a job interview, you are interviewing them as well as them interviewing you. Do you homework so you know about the company, and then ask the questions that come from that. I'd aim for about 10-15% of the interview should be you showing a real interest in them. What do you feel has been the company's biggest success? What would be your three top tips for me if I got the job? Is there an up-coming project you can tell me about?

  • Mia
    MiaCountry flag: ca
    Certified TEFL Teacher

    Since the interview process can feel intimidating, you may feel your nerves take over. Try to think positive and encouraging thoughts during and after answering difficult questions. Remaining positive can make you feel better about yourself throughout the interview, which can make your answers sound confident and bold.

  • Mia
    MiaCountry flag: ca
    Certified TEFL Teacher

    Yes, absolutely. Learning basic knowledge is important and necessary in any job. If we don't know the basic principles, then we cannot succeed in any field without encountering problems.

  • Absolutely, learning basic knowledge of job interviews is extremely important. Job interviews are a critical step in the hiring process, and being well-prepared can make a significant difference in your chances of landing a job. Understanding how to effectively communicate your skills and experience, answer common interview questions, and present yourself professionally can greatly improve your performance in interviews. Additionally, knowing how to research a company, ask insightful questions, and follow up after an interview are all important skills that can help you stand out as a candidate. Overall, having a good grasp of basics of job interviews can increase your confidence and likelihood of success when pursuing new employment opportunities.

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