Do you think German language is hard to learn?

7 answers from our tutors

Best answer

No language is hard to learn when you know how to learn it right😊 you should have the passion of learning languages..In the beginning you have to learn how to pronounce right and listen to natives audios and simple videos.. 2. Learning the article is very important in the german language as it will support you in the declination cases of german...which are Nominatv, Akkusativ , Dativ and Genitiv and the more care you give to learning of article, the better results you will get in learning german and this will boost your moral and makes you love language more and more. 3. Adherence to goehte instuitit course should be done as the courses are reviewed by language experts and proven to take care of the skills and phases required to learn the german language 4.When reaching level like B1 or B2 the best technique is widening your vocabulary and expressions by listening to lot of films, documentaries, comics with or without german subtitles This a little glimpse to keep you motivated 😉

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