Do you like talking about environmental issues?

Do you like talking about environmental issues? Which is an example of climate change? 1- Reforestation 2- Global warming 3 - Air pollution

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6 answers from our tutors

  • I love teaching my students about pollution and saving the planet and endangered animals.

  • If it gets them talking I'll talk about anything. The issue for me is not to make any subject of conversation political or give it the overtones of belief or religion. All those things can feed in to a topic, but they are not the topic. Is the world changing? Yes. Is this normal? MAYBE yes and MAYBE no. What is an argument from either side? What is your opinion?

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  • I try my best to put topics about everyday issues in my syllabus so as to make my students think about them and see how they can effect our lives and enlighten them. Environmental issues such as global warming and climate changes are necessity!

  • Yes, I educate students and adults about the issues of climate change. We, can do our part by taking care of the environment. 1. In my country, there are people still throwing items into drains and rivers. In school, we teach students about re-cycling materials like bottles, cardboard boxes and plastic containers. We have programs such as making crafts from used containers. We also have bins for segregating items. 2. We conduct lessons on healthy environment such as out-door activities for exercise instead of in-door gym where they use electricity for lights and air-conditioners. The morning and evenings are cooler for out-door games. Malaysia has a hot climate, so all offices are air-conditioned. Most of the private learning institutions are fully air-conditioned too. 3. With regards to air-pollution, we the general public use fuel for our vehicles. We are far from changing into EV mode.

  • Mia
    MiaCountry flag: ca
    Certified TEFL Teacher

    Yes,The good or bad quality of our life is depending on the quality of our natural environment. Our need for food, water, shelter, and other things depends on the environment around us. There must be a balanced natural cycle that exists between the environment and the lives of human beings, plants, and animals.

  • Yes, while it may not be something I'd bring up, but I definitely don't mind talking about such topics at all :D

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