Dears, In case you can not find the answer to your students' labyrinth questions, what do you do?

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10 answers from our tutors

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As a tutor,I do my research well before the lesson.And if,the question asked I am unable to answer,I will request ti answer it the next lesson.Thank you for a good question.

  • Mr Google. It's ok not to have the answers. We need to find the answers, understand them and then teach them to our clients!

  • Try to toss it over to the other students if you are in the classroom :)

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  • Well it's an obvious thing that one cannot be knowledgeable about everything, and sometimes we can encounter a difficult question that isn't in the domain of our knowledge, in that case I will search the internet if I could, and depending on the importance of the questions I may or may not give my self a time interval to try and answer it, otherwise it's important to admit it when you don't know something. It's important however to be ready in the first place, that's how you minimize the possibility of such event m

  • As a tutor, I must be prepared for everything and anything. But in case the question is new and I am unable to answer, I will go back to research for the answer to that, and come break it down to his or her better understanding.

  • Let the student know that you will get back to them on that question then you go research and make sure you get back to them well on time.You also can make sure that you are ready for any possible question before every lesson.

  • It is very important to be ready for the lessons you are about to give. If you are going to discuss contemporary art, review the lessons in advance and fill in the blanks you might have in your mind; we all face such situations. Sometimes the students come up with irrelevant questions or demand a definition for a fossil word they learned somewhere. The best course of action, in my opinion, is to let them know that there are words and phrases out there that even native speakers haven't heard of, or don't know the exact meaning of them, and encourage them to focus on the most essential words at first.

  • I look it up and then become a better teacher for the next time. I started teaching 10 years ago and when I started didn't know a lot. Many google searches later, I have become the English teacher I am today.

  • Tell them that you’ll get back to them and go do research so you can give them thorough feedback.

  • Mia
    MiaCountry flag: ca
    Certified TEFL Teacher

    First, I refer to the sources according to the type and purpose of the questions. If I don't find anything useful or a definitive answer, I ask the professors.

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