Could classes of young learners be learner centered ones?

Some educational view points say that young learners need teachers' help all the time. Does teachers' help hinder being them learner centered classes?

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I think that there needs to be a balance. Due to the fact that we as teachers need to provide students with the toolbox to understand that education can be learner centred. It also depends on the age of the student. With young children it is crucial for teachers to build up the child's self esteem in order for them to have the confidence to speak up and adequately communicate their needs. However once the student gets older I think it is detrimental for them to be intrinsically motivated. Studies show that students that are intrinsically motivated and who understand what it is they want are more successful in attaining their goals. To put that in an Educational perspective, students that are intrinsically motivated in a learner centred environment are more like to return to those classroom setting and are more likely to retain the information they were taught.

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