Can you describe a situation where you used creative methods to explain a complex concept?

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3 answers from our tutors

  • I generally use illustrations that the learner will understand. For example, comparing the learning process to hiking a new trail. You need preparation, a guide, supplies, a goal etc. I find that painting a picture with words helps the learner to retain it in their memory & see it in their mind's eye. Hope this helps!

  • Generally, I simply explain the concept by telling a story or linking it to real life or cultural events my students can relate to until they can tell me in their own words their understanding of the concept.

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  • Mia
    MiaCountry flag: ca
    Certified TEFL Teacher

    It's important to be equipped with several problem-solving strategies so you use the one that's most effective for your current situation. ●Trial and error. One of the most common problem-solving strategies is trial and error. ... ●Heuristics. ... ●Gut instincts (insight problem-solving) ... ●Working backward. ... ●Means-end analysis.🌍👌

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