Why you think knowing English is very important?

I think knowing English is very important because learning how to interact with persons of different. You will very appreciate their walk of life, and have a open mind to the world around us.

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13 answers from our tutors

  • Knowing English is necessary if you want to expand your horizons and meet people from different cultures and travel around the world. It is spoken in almost every international airport in the world and is the most spoken language so you if you don't have any knowledge of it then it will become problematic for you to socialize and know amazing people around the world because language connects people no matter where their cultural background is.

  • Hi I have Been teaching English for 7 years. Thanks English language I had the opportunity to turn around, and my life improved So knuckle down ! Good luck Best Regards

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  • English is one of the most internationally spoken language and speaking the language can open a lot of opportunity and exposure in different aspects of life. Whether you want to travel, study or work abroad, or just travel and explore different cultures, knowing how to speak English opens doors and makes things more easier.

  • As an international language, English is a very vital language since it's spoken in most countries, it's important to know how to speak English language and know it's culture as well. That way, we can easily interact with others and fit in their society

  • English is a global language. It makes communication easy especially if you travel to different countries and meet different people .

  • knowing English is important for several reasons, these reasons include the fact that English is widely used globally as a way of communication its basically the common language used for communicating. Another reason is that most of the content found on the internet and in movies is in English which then allows you as an individual to be able to understand the content easier. knowing English is also very beneficial when travelling because it is mostly used in airports, hotels, and the different tourist destinations that you would be visiting at the time

  • Knowing the English Language is very important as this is an International language. I have seen a lot of tourists from the UK, America, Australia and Europe visiting my country, Malaysia. They use the English language They praise the people of Malaysia as most of us speak English and they do not face any language barrier when they want to move around the city as most of them speak English when they go about sight-seeing, food and meeting the locals. We, too are educated in English and so are some of the Asian countries such as India, Singapore, Philippines and Thailand.

  • Knowing English is crucial for global communication, as it's widely used in business, science, technology, and diplomacy. Proficiency in English opens up opportunities for education, employment, and collaboration on an international scale.

  • To answer this question I'll show you some statistics: 2 billions of people speak English (25% of total Earth population). This is the most widespreade language. Period.

  • English is an international language .

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