Why it is important to learn English with a better teacher?

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4 answers from our tutors

  • To students know speak on languages right.More students wants find a good teacher to they could know language cleanly.

  • learning English with a professional teacher enables you to interact in a different way and to communicate better and it also save time and effort as your personal teacher will create the most suitable way that suits your needs and that improve your English faster than other ways

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  • To learn English effectively with a good teacher it is important to focus on several points 1. Clear communication 2. Engaging Activities 3. Personalized approach 4. Cultural Context 5. Structured Curriculum 6. Feedback and correction 7. Motivation and Encouragement

  • Mia
    MiaCountry flag: ca
    Certified TEFL Teacher

    Because Learning English helps not only with a student's career, but a teacher's as well.

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