Why do you want to learn Chinese? Do you know the difference between 有点儿yǒudianr and 一点儿yìdiǎnr?

Let’s look at this example: 你今天怎么样? Nǐ jīntiān zěnme yàng? How are you doing today? You may answer: 一点儿累。  Yìdiǎnr lèi. A bit tired. Unfortunately, this is WRONG! It should be “有点儿累”(Yǒudiǎnr lèi ). “But why? They both mean ‘a little bit’, isn’t it?” Yes, you are right. However, there are very subtle but important differences between them. 一点儿+noun “一点儿” is “a little bit of something, mostly substantial things “, such as 牛奶 (niúnǎi, milk),钱 (qián, money),蛋糕 (dàngāo, cake), 时间 (shíjiān, time). So it’s always used before a noun and indicates the amount of the things is not very many. 有点儿 + adjective “有点儿” is “a bit ”, it describes the degree is not a lot. It is used before adjectives, for example, 忙 (máng, busy),累 (lèi, tired),贵 (guì, expensive),难 (nán, difficult), and often indicates a negative feeling. It can also be used before verbs related to emotions, like 喜欢 (xǐhuān, like),讨厌 (tǎoyàn, hate),羡慕 (xiànmù, envy).

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Hi Lisa, I think you meant to put this under the Chinese questions page. This is a great explanation though! I learned Mandarin throughout high school and college. Initially, I thought it was an interesting language to learn in high school, and coming from a Vietnamese background, I thought it would pretty easy to pick up. I wanted to continue learning the language in college so that I could become trilingual. I majored in International Business with an emphasis in Chinese/Asia Pacific, so I studied Asian studies and Mandarin. It's a great additional language to know in the business field.

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