Why do English native speakers (especially from America) speak with grammar mistakes?

I was surprised to hear some even famous people who are native speakers speak with grammar mistakes such as "she don't", "he need", wrong verb forms and etc. Why is it so?

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It's called slang when you make a mistake knowing that it's a mistake. I teach it to my students how to make "the right" mistakes in their speech.

  • Heh this is the question I have been asked myself hundreds of times. To be honest I reckon the point is in different nations that have settled during the looong history

  • Part of it has to do with slang and also where the person was raised. All the states have various locations, and people in those locations speak differently. For example, someone in New York speaks much differently from someone from Georgia.

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  • The reason is because of the political history of African Americans and not only that, but pop culture also plays a role. For example, with the rise in the use of social media, some people tend to use informal phrases and abbreviations. e.g LOL. This tends to make people forget about basic English.

  • this is a question most of my students ask, I would say it's due to the slang and colloquial English that's used to communicate with each other because most Americans understand one another, which isn't always grammatically correct.

  • Fluency and ease of communication make some native speakers use incorrect grammar

  • We all do. People of all cultural backgrounds make mistakes in their native language.

  • Cause it's not about being perfect. It's about being confident. If you are a dummie then no degree nor certificate and definetely no correct word will save you. If you are looking to become a breathing dictionary then you'll have to sacrifice friendships. But of you are looking to become an amazing human being then becoming a dictionary will be a second nature to you 😉

  • Xiomara Zitha
    Xiomara ZithaCountry flag: na
    ESL teacher

    Being a native speaker of a language does not necessarily mean that your grammar is perfect. Some native speakers’ grammar skills are great when writing only. Some people also use slang , but that doesn’t mean that they don’t know the correct grammar phrasing.

  • Basically spoken English differs from written English. People tend to use slang and idioms. It gives more flavour to the language.

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