Which aspect of a new language should you learn first,learning how to speak the language or grammar?

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Teach new vocabulary and speaking with pronunciation, grammar will follow.

  • When learning a new language, it's generally more practical to start with speaking and communication skills rather than diving into complex grammar rules. Keep in mind that the primary purpose of learning a language is to communicate.

  • Learning how to speak the language first, once they have a grasp of the language it will be easy to introduce grammar.

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  • Gugu
    GuguCountry flag: za
    Certified Esl teacher

    Speaking first then grammar after

  • The basic elements like the letters, numbers and pronunciation first. after that start teaching easy grammar rules and new vocabulary.

  • Begin by speaking the basic commonly spoken words before you learn the grammar; then both should be learned at the same time.

  • Learning to speak the language should come first. Speaking helps you communicate and connect with people. Grammar is important, but if you focus on grammar too much at the beginning, it might make speaking harder. So, start by learning to speak and listen. Students can work on grammar as they go along to improve their language skills over time.

  • The best way in my opinion would be both together, but the actual speaking practice/exercises needs to be 3 times stronger. Let's do an evaluation in a trial class, thanks.

  • Speaking and grammar are inseparable, grammar should be taught step by step through speaking and vocabulary. speaking plays a crucial part in learning process .

  • I think you need to start with very basic communication and introduce grammar piece by piece in context of use. Heavy grammar lessons without application or context is a waste of time. It’s good to have revision of past work in each class plus an aspect of new vocabulary and grammar that match up well.

  • adding to my prev answer, we don't usually think about grammar rules and structures speaking in our native language - it happens naturally as we know the phrases and the context for using them The same could actually be achieved in English or any other language. If you keep thinking about grammar rules too much and translating things from your mother tongue, your speech won't likely be fast and natural

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