When was your best time when trying to get in a conversation in English?

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I think you're asking about the time when it was easiest to engage in a conversation without feeling shy or hesitant about the language level.

  • About tea time! Lol

  • I think the best time when one wants to get into a conversation is the time when he/she can speak fluently without shyness or when one is able to use the vocabularies correctly. A situation whereby one can speak without in English without any assistance.

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  • The most important thing is to select a topic that flows easily with the person. There is really no best time in my opinion

  • The English language has no best time, but I think one enjoys it more when talking with people they don't feel shy with and with topics they are more comfortable with.

  • I think there is no best time in catching a conversation. Starting a conversation without feeling insecure about the level of English you have is always a good thing. Without even feeling it, you will have fun while enhancing your proficiency.

  • I had the best of my time when an elderly lady who I prefer to call as granny. She was adamant to speak to me in ENGLISH and let me know that I DONOT WANT TO TAKE MY MEDICINES. PLEASE SPEAK TO MY DAUGHTER 😍 She wore the pride on her face for her straight and clear talk. I adored that❤️

  • Hi Zeynep! My best time for speaking any language is the early morning because I'm totally a morning person. I know most people are more energetic later in the day, but I love the morning!

  • Do you mean “ What it the best time you have had when speaking English ? “

  • I don't understand this question! You should use 'the' for superlative adjectives. So, you mean: When was the best time when trying to get in a conversation in English? That being said, it still doesn't make sense!

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