When I use "carry on" ??? I'd like to know the meaning of that frasal verb. Does it exist?

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Hello Authur1971, Its has different meanings and in the context of the sentence. Below are four ways of using the phrasal verb 'carry on' 1. If you carry on doing something, you continue to do it. example: The assistant carry on talking. 2.If you carry on an activity ,you do it or take a part in it fo a period of time. example: He carry on a passionate affair with Ms. Gilbert. 3. If you say that someone is carrying on, you are irritated with them because they are talking very excitedly and saying a lot of unnecessary things. example; She was yelling and screaming and carrying on. 4. If you say that someone is carrying on with someone else, you mean that they are having a sexual relationship and you do not approve of it, usually because on or both them are married. example; Their daughter was carrying on with a married man. Hope that helps you.

  • to go on, to continue .....there was a Britcom on BBC way back ...Carry on laughing 😂

  • Hi Aurthur! Aren't Phrasal verbs so much fun??

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  • which context or phrase are you using this in ..a right carry on, lets carry on, Im going to carry on...this does alter the meaning ... a well known phrase is, keep calm and carry on - which means stay composed and keep going ...dont give up

  • Hey there! 'Carry on' has the only meaning of 'continue to do sth' and normally requires a verb in the -ing form after it. For example John, you have to carry on living your life as if nothing happened!

  • carry on is a verb meaning continue with whatever it is you were doing. hope it helps

  • It has many meanings like for example If you carry on with something let’s say I carry on with my assignments Also she carry on with talking He carry on with his farming exercises Hope I could be of help

  • Yes it does for example carry on with something

  • To "carry on" would mean to continue or resume. I hope that helps! Great question

  • Hi Arthur, first of all, you should know that phrasal verbs are verbs that consist of a VERB and a PARTICLE. The particle often changes the meaning of the verb. - For example, the verb "CARRY" means to hold something in your arms or take something from one place to another. E.g. The mother carried her baby around the park. - The phrasal verb "CARRY ON" means to continue doing something. E.g. Carry on reading your books until your teacher arrives. - Carry on can also mean to continue going in the same direction. E.g. Turn left at the church and then carry on straight until you reach the hotel. - To carry on can also mean to behave badly. E.g. The students were shouting and carrying on all morning. I hope this helps:-)

  • RickB
    RickBCountry flag: za
    Certified ESL Tutor

    The most fundamental meaning of the term "to carry on, or carrying on" means to continue with something, either something that is being said or something that is being done: Examples: "Please carry on practicing your piano, and you will see your playing improving over time" "Please carry on talking while I go to wash my hands, as I will still be able to hear you" Another usage of the term is to express something being said or done in a way that causes irritation or agitation, often when something is said or done repetitively to the point of evoking such irritation or aggravation in others. Examples: "I really found it irritating that he was carrying on so much about how rich he is." ( Meaning: He was talking so incessantly about himself and his money, that it became irritating)) or "I don't see why you are carrying on about the matter so much, you are making a mountain out of a molehill now!" (Meaning: You are making more of something than it actually is, or "overdramatizing" it

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