When do we use Latin abbreviations ’e.g.’ and when ’i.e’?
6 answers from our tutors
Best answer
Mr. Akkad
TEFL, TESOL Certified English teacher teacher"E.g." is used to provide examples, while "i.e." is used to clarify or rephrase something.
e. g for example , when there's a list of examples i.e in other words ; precise information
"e.g." is used to provide examples, while "i.e" is used to clarify or rephrase something. Remember to use comma after both abbreviations to separate them from the following examples or explanations.
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Start teste.g. stands for "example" while i.e. stands for "That is"
E.g denotes example given, I.e denotes such as
‘e.g’ stands for “examples” While ‘o.e’ stands for “that is”