What's your favorite English word, and what about it do you find interesting or appealing?

For example, my favorite English word is "Serendipity." It refers to the occurrence of pleasant and unexpected discoveries or events by chance.

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My favorite English word is "Blessed". Seeing as I am a believer of God. The word "Blessed" reminds of God's love and favour in our lives

  • That's a very interesting question. There are so many English words that I find fascinating and beautiful, but if I had to choose one, I would say my favorite word is serendipity. Serendipity means "the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way". I like this word for several reasons: • It sounds pleasant and elegant, with its four syllables and its soft consonants. It also has a nice rhythm and rhyme, as it ends with the same sound as "city" or "pretty". • It has a rich and colorful history, as it was coined by the English writer Horace Walpole in 1754, based on a Persian fairy tale called "The Three Princes of Serendip". The story is about three princes who go on a quest and encounter many unexpected and fortunate discoveries along the way. It captures a universal and magical experience, as we all have moments in our lives when we find something good or valuable that we were not looking for.

  • My favourite would be the word “Stoked” meaning to be excited or euphoric. I love this word because I’m Australian and this is a word is typically used a lot back home. Especially in surfing culture! 🏄🏼‍♀️🤙🏽

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  • My favorite word is peaceful. I think of it and picture calm and beautiful places like a peaceful pasture or brook. Nice question.

  • MY favourite English word is "innit" because I am a Cockney!

  • My favorite word in English is hope. It always gives us reason to keep moving forward.

  • mine is optimistic as of speeding positive vibe and great impression it does have. Sounds kind of feeling of massive energy which can be taken of it significantly.

  • My favourite word is Merciful.

  • My favourite English word is 'Naive' For me this word is appealing like when ever i look at somebody doing some kind of act which is considered 'naive' but that person doesn't know that it is a naive act. So this makes me feel smile sometimes and i use to say 'how naive you are' 😊

  • “infinity” and “jovial” 2 pretty words with pretty meanings

  • My favourite English word is 'resilience'; it refers to holding on to something and not giving up due to frustrations, difficulties or despeartion. As a language student, the word should spur you up to keep forging ahead irrespective of the obastacles you encounter as you learn English.

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