What’s the difference between Devout and Devoted?

What are the meanings and kindly use in a sentence.

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If you are devoted to a particular religion you are a devout Devoted is an adjective meaning loyal Devout means having or showing deep great commitment

  • The difference between devout and devoted is that devout is a devotional composition, or a part of a composition while devoted is cursed or doomed

  • Devoted is essentially to be faithful or loyal to someone or something. Devout is showing deep religious commitment.

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  • Sarah
    SarahCountry flag: za
    ESL teacher

    Devout is when a person shows deep religious commitment; devoted is when a person loves something very deeply. Eg: Devout parents often worry about their children. A devoted husband will not look at another woman.

  • Devout, as has been pointed out already, is extremely religious, one needn't worry about any other description when using this word. For example, we can safely affirm that King Louis XIV of France was a devout Catholic. That says it all. Mr. Boucher is a devoted husband and father, meaning he is a faithful husband and a loving father. When starting out as an English student I had often confused "devoted" and "dedicated", they are similar, but not quite the same, either. A dedicated student is common enough, a devoted one studies too much for his own good.

  • Devout means religious..Example- He was a devout christian until he passed away.Devoted means dedicated..Example-Samuel is a devout husband and father.

  • Devout is very religious example: she is a devout Christian. Devoted means to set apart or dedicate example: I devoted more time to that project.

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