What teaching materials do you use?

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I use materials from the learners employment, apps like Quizlet, AI like chatgpt and online textbooks like Market leader

  • I use online curriculums for adults and I also use conversational topics from ESL websites

  • I use my own written notes from personal knowledge and certain educational webpages, books etc

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  • preparo siempre mis clases, teniendo presente la necesidad real de los estudiantes, basandome en estrategias como: lectura, videos ilustrativos y dinamicos, actividades interactivas las lecciones iran en base a tus necesidades, en la primera clase me gustaria dedicarme a conocerte a interactuar contigo y verificar que estilo de enseñanza te gustaria ejecutar las clase de manera sencilla pero significativa

  • I ensure the use of props, reading materials, colors, videos as well as well prepared lesson plans. Presentations as well as music which helps to engage students in accepted colloquialism and the use of these abbreviations within the English language.

  • I prepare my classes depending on a students needs for example if you are a visual learner I will prepare videos for you for our lessons. On our first lessons I will spend a few minutes trying to know you and which teaching style you prefer so that you get the most out of our lessons.

  • I prepare my own learning plans to suit the needs of my students base on the students needs and wants. I share the lesson notes with the students for a better learning experience and focus.

  • I make my own powerpoints based on the textbooks I like. I use Essential Grammar in Use by Raymond Murphy (my FAVORITE!), Understanding English grammar by Betty Azar, Destination (B1-B2) by Malcom Mann and Steve Taylore-Knowles. I like the "in use" series (phrasal verbs, vocabulary, collocations etc). I also use Macmillan "Exam skills for Russia" - Basically it's Destination but it also has levels A1 and A2. So together with Destination they cover levels A1-C1 (including vocabulary with collocations and phrasal verbs). Good thing about PowerPoint is that I can export the lesson to PDF and send it to my students easily, so that they can review the materials and do the exercises one more time on their own. I also use some other software but PowerPoint for online classes is a must, I think. :D You can see some examples of my presentations in my feed (profile).

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