what`s the best age to start learning English?

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The best age to start learning English is around 4 or 5 years. By this time the young mind is curious and will easily grasp what they hear and see around them. Children even as young as 3 are able to make sentences with 5 or 6 words

  • Many experts say the best age to start learning English is is early childhood, between the ages of 3 and 7. At this age, children are especially good at absorbing new information and acquiring language skills. However, it's never too late to start learning. Progress can be made at any age if you are committed and consistent.

  • I believe at any age you can start learning English,after all we learn something new everyday so its never too early or too late to learn.

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  • As soon as possible :) Children naturally adapt to any language that is spoken in their environment and it becomes a part of their daily life :) Don't wait until your child is older, start teaching your kid as soon as you can :)

  • Hi 👋 Although, the best age to start learning a new language is somewhere around your childhood, truth is that it’s never too late to start learning a new language, with the right attitude and the right amount of time dedicated to learning it, you should be able to become proficient at it 😉

  • I think age 3 or 6 is a good age.

  • Mia
    MiaCountry flag: ca
    Certified TEFL Teacher

    Earlier this year, a study at MIT based on an online quiz of nearly 670,000 people found that to achieve native-like knowledge of English grammar, it is best to start by about 10 years old, after which that ability declines.

  • Hi When you are a baby of course! But I learnt my third language as adult. Good luck Best Regards

  • Hiiiii . Can listening music improve our English language??

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