What role does education play in reducing social inequality?

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6 answers from our tutors

  • Education helps bridge the gap between different socio-economic backgrounds,enabling individuals to access better jobs,improve their socio-economic status and contribute more effectively to society.

  • Education gives you awareness about many social issues including social inequality. Education itself means an enlightening experience. So, it enlightens us to differentiate between right and wrong.

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  • Education promotes social inequality through the use of tracking and standardized testing and the impact of it hidden curriculum..When people get a good education they can easily break away from the cycle of poverty.

  • By encouraging students to question information, analyze power structures, and evaluate evidence, education nurtures independent thinking and a sense of social responsibility. These skills enable individuals to identify and address social inequalities, contributing to a more equitable society

  • If everybody knows how to read and write, it will be a good foundation for the society. There are countries/places where the government/politician is taking advantage of the lack of community's lack of skills to read and write.

  • Education can cultivate empathy and social awareness by exposing students to different cultures, histories, and social issues. By teaching about human rights, social justice movements, and global challenges, education fosters a sense of responsibility toward creating a more just and equitable world.

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