What methods do you find most helpful for learning English effectively?

Hi, dearest people! I'm so keen on how students find learning English more helpful. I can't wait to see your answers!

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3 answers from our tutors

Best answer

By using the language. Also, watching a lot of English media while paying attention to the language helps a lot.

  • Mia
    MiaCountry flag: ca
    Certified TEFL Teacher

    Use new words and grammar as soon as you can, and keep using them. Set yourself challenges to speak English for a certain length of time each day, to use a certain number of new words each day, or to listen to English TV, radio, or internet broadcasts each day. This way you will improve more quickly.🌍

  • Active engagement through regular reading, interactive language exchange, and consistent practice in writing and speaking are the most effective methods for my English learning journey. Immersing myself in diverse language contexts and seeking feedback accelerates my proficiency, making the learning process dynamic and rewarding.

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