What languages do you most want to learn? Why?
12 answers from our tutors
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hi i want to learn english i'm refugee in ireland
I really wanna learn Greek! Nowadays I teach English, but in the future I wanna teach Greek too!
Currently, I'm learning Spanish. I like this culture, language (how it sounds). I would like to visit Latin America (Peru).
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Start testI would like to learn IsiXhosa I do understand it but i would like to be fluent in that language.
I want to learn Chinese (Mandarin) and Korean because: 1. Mandarin Chinese: It's the most spoken language in the world, and learning it would allow me to communicate with a huge number of people. China’s influence in business, technology, and international relations makes Mandarin a valuable skill for future opportunities. Plus, I’ve always been fascinated by Chinese culture and history, so learning the language would help me understand it better. 2. Korean: I enjoy K-dramas and K-pop, and learning Korean would let me experience them without relying on translations. South Korea’s tech and business innovations also interest me, and speaking the language could open doors in those fields. Korean culture has a unique blend of tradition and modernity, and learning the language would help me appreciate it on a deeper level. Both languages would give me a broader understanding of these amazing cultures and open up opportunities for the future.
English: It's widely spoken and can be helpful for communication in case of an emergency anywhere in the world.
As a multilingual tutor, I believe that each language opens a window to a different world. I want to learn Japanese because of its unique writing system and pronunciation structure, which differ greatly from English and many other languages I've studied. I think this will challenge me in new ways and allow me to connect with my students who may be learning these complexities as well:)
The language I would most like to learn is the irish language (Gaeilge,gaelic). Growing up in Ireland we all learn Gaelic in school, but outside of schools it is rarely spoken which is a shame .
Dutch, and Japanese because they sound fun.
English because it is a universal language
The one language I would like to learn would be sign language (and lip reading). It all stems from when I was at university. Being a poor student meant that during the university holidays I had to work, so I could financially support myself for during term time. I had a holiday job in a very famous camera shop selling cameras, lenses, and photographic film. One day, a small group came in and it quickly became apparent that they were deaf, and could lip read. They were able to understand what I was saying to them, and that was impressive! They "signed" amongst themselves and would ask me written questions. So far, so good. They bought a camera, and then they hit me with a bombshell! These deaf people were in fact french. They were able to lip read English, write English and do exactly the same in French. To this day (40 years on), I stand in awe of those deaf people I met that day. I still wish I could do the same as them! Like what you have read? Why not book a lesson.