What is your opinion on distance learn for children do you see is a good option ?

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Brick and mortar schools and classrooms will soon be history. How soon remains a question, but generally online education will prevail for most part.

  • It is a great option, as you get to learn about other peoples cultures, while learning English, in the comfort of your own home.

  • Let's agree that teaching online specially for childern can be tough, because they are childern and once they see a computer, laptop or any smart device they will start to ignore the lesson and the teacher and they will just be playing around. After having the right knowledge and experience, you will know how to handle the lesson and the child. As a tip, we can say that you need to know when to give them fun and when to give them knowledge.

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  • In a normal school setting, most of the time children don't get special attention, there isn't a direct focus on just one child. Whereas on an online platform, all the attention is on the student, making it easy to suss out problematic areas and gearing the student up for success, sooner rather than later.

  • Distance learning for children can a good option in a certain circumstances. It offers flexibility, allows access to. To a wide range of educational resources, and accommodate individual learning styles. It can also be beneficial for students who face challenges attending traditional schools due to health issue, geographical limitations or personal circumstances.

  • I think children need more communication and interaction with a lot of activities that engage them in learning and encourage them to learn more and to improve quickly .

  • It is fantastic let me tell you how? You don't need to wake up early and get ready for School you can take lessons anywhere, anytime even in your pajamas from your home.

  • It has a lot of benefits: - learning from home is safe and convenient. - You get to see how your child is doing and their progress. - It prepares them for the digital world. However, children have a short attention span, so you need to be mindful of what content they are seeing and whether or not it is tailored to their specific needs.

  • While other students may find online learning a bit tricky, it is a good option because your child has a 100% attention from the teacher which ensure that they will be focused only on helping your child improve and excel.

  • Mia
    MiaCountry flag: ca
    Certified TEFL Teacher

    In my opinion While some students may find distance learning difficult, it provides them with the opportunity to improve their time management skills. These essential skills will aid in the maintenance of a work-life balance and provide students with the opportunity to complete projects ahead of schedule.

  • English helps the child to learn at different schools and it will be beneficial if your child wants to study and work overseas if they would like to pursue a professional career.

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