What is the most challenging aspect of learning English for you??

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Pointless British grammar requirement invented to confuse you, meanwhile no native in their daily language wastes their time to even think about. Meanwhile they still sound: fluent, educated, sophisticated and speak correctly. Learning grammar will not make you speak a language better. Why do schools around the world still pursue this way of teaching? Well, languages are in demand and expensive to learn. If you do not improve by much (because you follow a book or school curriculum) chances are you will book another course that will also get you a few steps closer in terms of let’s say examinations. But you still can’t speak having studied the language in school for over 10 years since childhood? Something doesn’t add up ;)

  • Preposition...

  • For me I don’t have any problem but most students struggle with grammar while others with pronunciation

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  • There is no chalenges.i enjoy learning with my students. We learn and explore together. That is by far the most rewarding.

  • For most students it would be grammar. Most of my students struggle with clauses.

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