What is the "Fake it until you make it" event in your life? Were you successful?

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When I first started working for a senior executive, I had no idea at all about their industry - or even the day to day activities of what they did. I 'faked it' by being positive and by having a 'can do' attitude. Reality was, I did more research in the first month than I probably did in the entire of my degree.

  • Hi Fake it till you make it" (or "Fake it until you make it") is an aphorism that suggests that by imitating confidence, competence, and an optimistic mindset, a person can realize those qualities in their real life and achieve the results they see Best Regards

  • My first day as an ELT in a school in Dublin. I guess this story will sound very familiar to some of you. As I am not a native speaker of English, I have always been fighting back the imposer syndrome that daily reminded me I would never be a great teacher as I had to learn the language myself. Well, I was thrown in a mixed language classroom with 15 adult beginners on my first day of teaching. Was I shaking? Hell yeah, but I guess they didn't notice that. I felt like I was naked in front of them, suuuper insecure and tiny but I used one of my tricks which consists in placing your arms on your hips in a kind of 'Superman position' and I delivered my first lesson with fair solvency. I admitted to them how nervous I was that day months later, and, to my surprise they all started laughing because I gave them a very threatening impression. Could you believe it? They said I looked like a sergeant xd

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  • Yes, to be honest I had to use on-line teaching method with pictures and illustrations. This happened during the Covid-19 crises. All teachers had to suddenly teach 25 children from home. We had the teaching platform known as 'schoology' however I was not that tech-savvy as I have been teaching for many years in a class-room, using the white board and books. I couldn't show the children that I was new to on-line teaching. They expect a teacher should know everything. I did ask some of my colleagues and with some help I managed to teach the kids. We even conducted examinations and were able to give the grades. Now, I am teaching ESL to my neighborhood children and as well as on this platform.

  • The lack of confidence in the things or skills I wished I had but lacked in them. Like not being fully confident in doing something new. I did apply the "fake it till you make it" method but then I practiced the skill until it was a part of me. Yes, I was successful because now I can confidently say that I can take on anything because of the level at which my confidence is when doing things or speaking to people.

  • "Fake it until you make it" suggests that by imitating confidence and competence, you may eventually develop these qualities. My event has been imitating positive principles from mentors and applying them in my life. It takes six weeks to develop a habit. However, it should be noted that "faking" in the true sense of the word is not what makes it, but being truthful to yourself in applying the principles leads to success.

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