What is the best way to learn and retain the vocabulary.

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Learning and remembering new words can be fun and effective and in my experience, I have found that the following might be helpful: 1. Use the words: Try to use new words in your everyday conversations or writing as this helps the brain to remember them. 2. Make connections: Relate new words to things you already know. It's like adding new pieces to a puzzle. 3. Flashcards: Create simple cards with a word on one side and its meaning on the other. Look at them regularly. 4. Pictures and stories: Draw or find pictures that show the meaning of the word. You can also make up a story using the new word to remember it better. 5. Practice in content: Use new words in full sentences. This helps you understand how they fit in real situations. 6. Teach someone: Teach a friend or family member what you have learned. Teaching others helps you remember better. 7. Stay curios. Remember, learning takes time so be patient with yourself. Goodluck!

  • Reading ebooks with dictionaries like Kindle, encourages the gaining of a whole new vocabulary. Using the learned vocab in speech or writing (in context) helps to get familiar with.

  • Conversation, singing new words!! Hahaha, as well as writing and repeating the new words you learn.

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  • Hi Writing and writing and still writing. When you learn a new vocabulary, write sentences on it, look for synonyms and use them during the day, any time is good time. Best Regards

  • Repetition is the answer! When teaching a class, the instructor pronounces the word/s so the student can hear what it should sound like. The instructor then asks the student to repeat the word/s in question. Once the teacher is happy with how the student pronounces the word/s, he/she should tell the student to "Google" the meaning of each word so they can understand how to use it in sentences & conversations. In your next lesson with the same student, you can recap the vocabulary used in the previous lesson. This is how you can determine if the student is actually progressing or remains stagnant.

  • The best way to learn and retain vocabulary is to constantly use the new word in constructing sentences and in your conversation wherever it's needed. Students get a mastery of words when they use the word often.

  • By practice. The more you practise, the better you will be.

  • Hi dear! There are some steps for this issue. 1. Use contextual learning 2. Flashcards and repetition 3. Categorize and group work 4. Visualization 5. Practice active recall 6. Use the new words in the sentences 7. Engage in conversations 8. Teach someone else 9. Read aloud 10. patience and consistency

  • By revising them all the time and always, in addition, to use them usually, it would be beneficial if you speak with someone who's native or fluently speak the other language as to keep speaking with them that language (which means to periodically repeat and speak with these vocabulary and the language itself). Another hint, if you're taking courses with a tutor for that language, it's preferable to tell them the vocabulary you want to memorize, as to open conversations that include these words as to keep revising them.

  • Practice saying the vocabulary word alone, then use it in a sentence. Make several sentences using the word

  • Learn new words in context rather than Isolated. Flashcards Vocabulary Journal Actively use the new words you learn in conversation.

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