What games or activities do you use to teach children?

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My favorites are drawing competitions and Origami, I can make a really good shark.

  • I saw cartoon with children

  • interactive games always win! competitive games that excite the brain, goes that require teamwork, and most of all games that get your mind moving!

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  • I love using songs and using tunes for a tool of memorization and charades is a fun game to use for testing of comprehension of vocabulary. I try to incorporate activities where they incorporate all five senses and can visualize what they are learning with many colors and pictures. For children, I have seen the most results through an interactive learning experience.

  • One of the most interesting games for children is the memory game like “Remember the Picture” or “Copycat” game. You can also challenge them by another memory game such as “What is Missing”. “Simon” game is another funny memory game for them. Children like to be challenged and to guess.

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